Docma DemoContainer

Docma needs step-by-step instructions on how to record your video, in the form of a JSON array.

You can read all the available commands in the legend under the form.

For example, if you want to click on a button, add: {"action": "click", "selector": "#my-button"}

Docma has an official Chrome extension, that records your actions and outputs a Docma JSON. Install it from the web store

How often should Docma run the script? *
Where should we send the recording? *
Browse all the actions available in a Storyboard>
  • navigate

    Go to a certain web address


    • url *

      You need to provide the url

    • class

      Add a custom class to the addText modal

  • startRecording

    Start recording a video from this moment on

  • clickOn

    Click on an element


    • selector *

      A CSS selector pointing to a page element. If the element doesn't exist, Docma will throw an error

  • change

    Change the content of a form input


    • selector *

      A CSS selector pointing to an input element. If the element doesn't exist, Docma will throw an error

    • value *

      The value of the input

  • addText

    Opens a modal displaying a custom text. Supports markdown


    • value *

      The text you want to show in the video

  • screenshot

    Take a screenshot at this moment

  • scrollTo

    Scroll to a certain element in the page


    • selector *

      A CSS selector pointing to a DOM element. If the element doesn't exist, Docma will throw an error

Start using Docma automated screenshots today!

Docma small plan is free for now! You can schedule 5 different screenshot captures in the chosen frequency (daily, weekly or monthly)